Self Care & Fatherhood

Father and son speak to a horse behind a fence

Dad life totally amplifies the need for that Yin/Yang equilibrium.

It was at about the 3 month point of Sol being earth side that I was feeling signs of depletion; there’s just a lot more to do and be done. The extra ‘output’ cuts into the precious time usually invested ‘inward’.

This is the labour of love and a duty that brings me the deepest state of joy and fulfilment. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

What I mainly want to share here as a Dad having a reflect, is that fatherhood has made me have to pick-up extra self responsibility and honesty regarding my own health.

Bottom line: The more balanced I am the more I can carry as a team player (the Mum & Dad team) at home.

So the first thing I did when feeling the depletion was seeking out support. I’ve been working with a naturopath for a little over 3 months now which has been amazing. We have dialled in on any deficiencies I’m harbouring - and remedying those with herbs and mineral supplements specific to my needs and extra output.

Additionally and importantly, I stay in touch with my mentors and the elders who guide me. Also connecting with my mates and other Dads who are riding the wave of early parenthood.

AND, this week, I stopped drinking coffee. It has been a long while since I’ve had a break.

My adrenals have been stretched to buggery and are in dire need of a cool down (coffee is a stimulant and heating herb). Remember coffee doesn’t give you energy, it only mobilises your own energy. If you’re feeling like you’re in deficit coffee will only push you deeper into debt.

So there ya go! A long ass update from me! And a shout out to all the Dads - look after yourselves so you can give your gifts fully!

Needing support in your own fatherhood journey? Explore our ‘Offerings’ menu and submit an enquiry. We’d love to hear from you


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