Our Ethos
Rhythm Health is a conductor for your energy.
We all have our own way of being. We all have unique gifts to offer.
This is why we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach; one size doesn’t exist.
We honour your energy, respect your story, and are committed to holding you to your highest potential. On the personal development journey, sometimes we need a hug and sometimes we need a kick up the ass! The super power of a skilled coach is the ability to follow the process and know when and what is needed in the moment.
Ultimately, the more you put in, the more you get out. That’s how conductors work.
Rhythm Health transcends the physical.
Because you are more than the physical.
You are a complex and dynamic being; mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
These aspects of you are all inherently connected. Like a spider web, when you pull on one corner, the whole structure moves out of balance. We are a system of systems — all are key to our wellbeing.
Rhythm Health considers and celebrates all aspects of the human experience by taking a holistic approach to healing, living and thriving.

Rhythm Health will hold you accountable to your highest potential.
Not your largest shortcoming. No matter how things may seem or how they may feel, you are the master of your reality. You have the answers and the power to make the change.
Along the journey, it’s easy to forget this and lose yourself. Rhythm Health will support you to find your centre. We will hold you accountable for your decisions and their impacts. We will support you in defining your mission, purpose and legacy. And we will pass on the tools and systems for you to continue expanding.
Rhythm Health is a shame-free and supportive space. A space for you to develop self-awareness and self-responsibility so you can stand boldly in your truth and express your highest potential.
Rhythm Health Founder. Holistic Lifestyle Coach. Men’s Health Facilitator.
People often assume that lifestyle coaches have 100 per cent of their life together. It’s in the title, right?
Wrong. Coaches walk the path of life just the same as everyone else.
Meet Nick
Rhythm Health founder Nick Perry is no stranger to challenges. The universe has delivered some pretty wild tests at him over the years. Relationship failures, death, injury, financial flat line, zero self belief and the chaos that follows in times of hardship. Nick has walked his path in all its forms just like you.
Inside these hardships, Nick has discovered that there are lessons and opportunities inside every pain point. Opportunities to transform. These challenges have been gifts that changed Nick’s life and the way he shows up to anything and everything.
Years of training and practice as a lifestyle coach and mentor have taught Nick that change is necessary for leading a fulfilling life. Change can be scary and challenging, yes, but it is also completely inspiring.
Nick has spent the last decade exploring the connection between holistic health practices – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical – and an individual’s sense of self and purpose in the world. He has experienced first-hand the transformative power of taking ownership and responsibility in life. So much can happen when we allow ourselves to be open, curious and accountable.
Nick’s role is to hold space for you and your journey, to hold the mirror up, to challenge you to find your truth and connect you to your authenticity, power and purpose.