Run From What’s Comfortable

The following is a co-creation I had the joy of making with my bro Devon Cooper

My words +
his photos from a day well spent together.


So what feeds the attachments to the past? What’s the incentive driving addiction to what was? There must be a pay off, conscious or unconscious.

I’ve come to learn that it’s safety. Yeah, safety. It’s safe to stay in the past. The familiar ways of being, thinking and behaving. It’s easier to run the same story day in day out. The story that matches the identity we occupy; the version of ‘me’ others have come to know and relate with.

Here’s the thing, though.... we outgrow our past. We outgrow our stories. We are called to upgrade our identity because our soul commands it; we’re not here to play small, stay safe and live in limitation. Eventually authenticity must overcome ‘safety’.

“Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I’ll be mad”

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