Relax to Receive

‘Relax to receive’

Nice idea don’t you think?

If overwhelm, existential dread, procrastination or self doubt are dominating, that’s my cue to relax.

As illogical as it may sound for the ego mind, sitting in nothingness; the void; is how coherence, balance and insights enter.

When the contraction releases - solutions to problems arrive. Physical energy revitalises. Clarity of mind restores. Enthusiasm for life amplifies. A positive mental attitude becomes the lens of perception.

Most importantly, the outcome is that I’m able to take risks again. I don’t need to be hyper vigilant. I don’t need to cling to a sense of ‘control’.

When I relax. When I just breathe, I create a space inside myself to receive.

Needing support to create more spaciousness? Explore our ‘Offerings’ menu and submit an enquiry. We’d love to hear from you


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